the only me is me. are you sure the only you is you?

below this paragraph is a list of links i have accumulated recently. they're all horror themed, but not in any kind of order at the moment. maybe i will make them so in the future! but for now, it's kind of just a mess. i'll add to this pretty frequently, most likely, so keep an eye out.

saya in underworld
saya translates 2ch threads from japanese into english. you might know about her work from creepypastas like the kisaragi station, but she has a good backlog of japanese horror stories!

anansi's goatman story
a classic that cannot be over hyped, this long form story was posted to 4chan's paranormal board, /x/, around a decade ago and has been archived on the creepypasta wiki. they say that talking about the goatman can invite him to visit you. to be honest, i wonder if that includes reading about him?

something walks whistling past my house every night at 3:03 by Grand_Theft_Motto
a long form story about exactly what the title says.

has anyone here of the left/right game? by NeonTempo
a novel length horror story about a poster on reddit trying to find his friend who has gone missing after she begins investigating a tip about a supernatural game. this has been adapted into a podcast starring tessa thompson in the lead role.

excerpts from j-horror: the definitive guide to the ring, the grudge and beyond by david kalat
select passages from one of the books on japanese horror, aimed at people who aren't japanese. ymmv, but interesting for what it is.

the submissions tag on
a number of unusual images, stories, and experiences all submitted to the unexplained-events blog on tumblr. a mixed bag, but fun all the same.

tales of terror from tokyo segments
untranslated segments from tales of terror from tokyo, a horror variety series that aired from 2003 to 2005.

goosebumps from japan
untranslated clips from a japanese horror movie. understandably, information about this one is rare. it may be the torihada movie?

the denko saga
[Help!] A Story About A Girl Being Stalked From The Perspective Of Her Stalker...? (´・ω・`)

junji ito index
links to read junji ito's catalogue of horror stories. a note: some of ito's works contain tropes that are either transmisogynistic adjacent, or transphobic in nature. while i cannot claim to have a full list, i can say that his short story magami nanakuse is probably the most egregious. i encourage you to judge your own limitations in this situation and make the decision yourself on whether or not to read that one.

a ten season long japanese horror series of animated ghost stories. each episode runs around four minutes. it is done in a way that emulates kamishibai, a style of japanese street performance.

screaming lessons
a horror manga series starring the ghost of a japanese school girl named yomi, who introduces one story per chapter. think of it like tales from the crypt aimed at school children.

an unauthorised fan treatise
tumblr user gottiewrites is a huge fan of loch & ness, nbc's newest supernatural drama. she also happens to be convinced that two of it's leads are actually dating, and begins to write essays online about it. what follows is a series of bizarre coincidences, online harassment, and a murder mystery.