w ell, i'll be going now.
let's call this version zero of starsprings. i had this up when the site was still LOCKHART, after tifa lockhart from final fantasy vii. it uses a premade layout by repth. mostly i think the buttons on the side are funny.
version one of star springs was made in photoshop cs2. i coded it by hand after slicing the header. i wanted it to look like one of those old fanlistings from the mid 00's. the header is of link and zelda from hyrule warriors: age of calamity.
version two of starsprings, trick or treat took a while to make because figuring out how to get and keep the navigation up top was wild. i wanted it to look simple and clean for halloween, since it's seasonal! halloween is my favorite holiday, so it's the only one i bother e-decorating for.
version three, coming in untitled! this one i sat on for ages, unsure of what to use it for before deciding to use it for my main layout after halloween. i still kind of adore it, in truth, but i started to struggling with the code itself. ah, well.